I've probably said it before but the New Breed Chronicles experiment has been a failure.
I started writing the Chronicles in an episodic format because I thought it might be an interesting way to produce a new story and I felt that with the new rules of digital media, it might be a way to increase my shelf-space on Amazon, while maybe drawing new readers in.
It has, to be fair, not been an utter failure. There have been new readers and there have been sales. The failure has been mine. The episodes were supposed to be monthly releases. I think, if I went to the bother of adding it all up, that they have barely been six-monthly. No reader is going to hang around to pick up ten thousand odd words twice a year.
So, I am not giving up on the Chronicles. I actually really enjoy writing them. But the episodic nature is more or less dead. The idea that I can juggle an episode each month while also giving attention to longer works is, as of now, done away with. I am pausing my other projects to focus entirely on the Chronicles and intend to stick with them until what I'm defining in my head as the first "novel" is finished. Then I will take a break and work on one of the other two projects, to the completion of that as well.
The good news is that a lot of the turbulence that has caused my output to be so low is largely at an end. Things in my personal life are far more settled at the moment and the result, I hope, will be a lot more words written and a lot more works published. Even as I write this, the next episode of Chronicles is, in fact, finished. I see no reason not to put the episodes up as they complete, but I hope that they will come out very rapidly over the next weeks/months until the completion of the novel.
I am also re-editing everything I have on Amazon. I suck really bad at that, and some of the stuff I have up there is so riddled with issues that it amazes me that readers have managed to say all the nice things they have said.
Call this post a little update, there will be more to come, more regularly than in quite a while... I hope.