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Sunday 5 March 2017

Editing Software

Readers have, very helpfully, let me know that the editing of my books could be a lot better.  This information has come, almost exclusively, in the form of reviews.
The reason my editing may be poor is probably because of two things:

    1) I can't afford professional editing.  If you guys, the faithful readers, keep on reading, and rating, and telling other people about my books, then maybe I will be able to pay a pro to sort out my mess someday soon.
    2) I 100% suck at editing.  I can read a disastrous error in my own work ten times and still miss it.  A teacher of mine explained this once.  He said mistakes you make when blasting out words are natural to your mind.  This means, that when reading over those errors, they make sense to your brain and you fail to be able to detect them.  Maybe it's just a nice excuse!

Regardless, I've been working as hard as I can at trying to fix those messes.  I've gone over BREED, DEEP, and all of THE NEW BREED CHRONICLES with my eyes (as in, reading them), and using several pieces of proof-reading and editing software.  I know the result is probably still not perfect, but I definitely hope the result is a better experience for readers.

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